About Us

About Us

It started with a dream

Our founder, a dentist from the UK, saw first-hand the power of a smile, and wanted to use his expertise to give more people the smile of their dreams.

Boutique is a collective of the brightest minds in dentistry, and since 2015, we’ve formulated one of the purest and most trusted whitening gels in the world. We used our artistic flair and scientific drive to create beautiful smiles and fulfil people’s dreams.

We knew that a dazzling smile could literally transform people’s lives. The difference in confidence, self-belief and relationships was something that transcended simply looking good in selfies.

The options available were either relatively expensive professional products from the dentist at one extreme, to dangerous, unlicensed products bought online at the other. Professional whitening was long considered a luxury for the rich and famous.

So, with a wealth of scientific evidence, in-depth knowledge of the market and the belief that everyone has the right to an amazing smile – Boutique Whitening was founded.

Today, we bring the very best whitening products to four continents, thousands of dentists and millions of patients.

Our model is simple. Boutique Whitening is ONLY distributed via dental practices to ensure it is delivered with the bespoke knowledge and level of care and professionalism that you deserve.

There’s a reason we are the number one choice for thousands of dentists across the world – our products deliver incredible results time after time.

The past 6 years have been quite a journey, but we are just getting started. As our global reach increases, we constantly look to improve our products and invest in this beautiful planet of ours. We have a strong company policy on reducing our impact on the Earth and donating to various charities.

We will continue to deliver the very best quality products, backed by the best minds in the industry, unrivalled passion and service with a (very white) smile!

We are Boutique.

Are you ready for a whiter, brighter SMILE?